
Monday 30 November 2015

Taking notes

In reading time my group has been doing note taking. Note taking is when you read stuff and write only little parts of the story and it doesn't have to make sense, because when your finished you have to try to remember the sentence with just those words you wrote. For example, water, more, jellyfish,skin,  that means jellyfishes are more of water than skin. Jellyfish was just one of the topics.          

Chapter 10

Santa Parade  

Dear buddy,
In the weekends me, my mum and my sister Michelle went to the Santa parade. You must be wondering what the Santa parade is, well it’s a parade that is about Christmas and at the end there has to be Santa Claus in a sleigh. I saw my most favourite book character and author Geronimo Stilton , though it was a shame I only saw he’s back , sob sob. There were also cute dogs in the parade with Santa's hat on they looked so cute. My favourite part was when these cheerleaders were doing acrobatics and the one that was the least interesting was the Chinese dance, it wasn't that cool. The Santa parade was really fun I really likes it.       

Thursday 19 November 2015

3D Reflection

Here is my 3D reflection. It tells about my 3D printing and there is a picture about how my 3D printing turned out.

Hour of code

Today we did hour of code. It's all about codes and how you use them. You can tell the computer what to do in a game like mindcraft. We went on It is a 1 hour code activity. There was video and it said there are lot of jobs that need people how understand codes, but the problem is that there are not many people who know about codes. This is why code could be important to life to getting a job.

Here is a picture of one of the games.

Friday 13 November 2015

Shot Put

Here's some tips on shot put. I have learnt this in Run Jump Throw.

High Jump

Here's some tips on high jump.This is another learning from Run Jump Throw.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

How to run fast.

I have learnt all of this in run, jump and throw in p.e. It's giving you tips on run faster.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

chapter 9

There I was in the car going to somewhere totally different. I didn't exactly know where we were going so I decided to ask someone who did now, obviously it was mum she new everything. Mum said that we were going to a Indian temple because our neighbours are Indian and they have a celebration, not diwali something else. I don’t know how to pronounce it but I tried my hardest. Mum said there was some bad news and that was we didn't have the right clothes to wear so she rung up Rose’s mum. When mum and Rose’s mum finished with their conversation mum said that she got everything sorted. I asked what we were wearing she said we’ll got to the temple and Rose’s mum will give us something to wear. Dad finally arrived at the temple and there was picture of the god. In the entrance door Rose’s family was waiting for us. Rose’s mum gave me, Emily and Amilar the something but different sizes and gave mum a dress sort of thing called a sari and dad wore what he was already wearing. Mum looked amazing when she came out wearing the sari, Rose’s mum had put quite a bit of make up on her. We went up a lot of stairs, me and Rose skipped up the stairs. when we finished praying I asked Rose all the god’s name they had a lot of god’s, I couldn't keep track of it. There was a place and they we’re going to do a garba we stayed for a while but then it got boring so we went home. I was exhausted when I got. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.                           

Chapter 8

As I stepped in the class looking astonished, everything looked different than I expected it to be. I walked all the way to Twiliar to say hi, but before I went close to her I took that look of my face then said hi. Miss Worthington took the roll and we started the day. A teacher called Miss Mathews came to teach us just for the first block. She told us how to be sun smart and why we have to be sun smart. It was because there was this layer around earth called the ozone layer to protect it from the sun’s rays of light. But there was a big problem, because there were two holes in the ozone layer. One was up and one was down, the down one was very close to New Zealand. Before I didn't even care about being sun smart I didn't even Know what was being sun smart, I guess it’s because that we don’t have any holes on our side back in Grace land. But know I learnt my lesson to be sun smart by putting on sunblock, wearing a hat and to always drink water. Miss Mathews also told us that everything is a technology, like a pencil before in the olden days they used ink and feathers to write but then someone brainy enough invented a pencil it was popular in the olden days I bet. But now a laptop and computer is invented you don’t need a paper to write with it,it already has it’s own paper and you can store everything safely on it.     

Friday 16 October 2015

3D Modelling

This is my first time doing a 3D modelling. I decided to make a square just for a start so I could get used to the controlling things. I used Build with chrome to make my 3D model in digital.        

Monday 12 October 2015

Chapter 7

Buddy In The Holiday
As I was in the car playing with my twin sisters ready for my new adventure. I couldn't wait to go in the train ride. After that long, one million hour drive we finally reached the train station. As I took my first step in the train station it felt so amazing and buzzy. Mum, dad, Amiler, Emily and I only came, the fossils were with the new neighbours. We went to get on the train when suddenly a man said
“you can’t get in unless and until you have a hop card or ticket”.
“Forget about the ticket what’s a hop card”? I asked with a very confused face. The man answered me and said you don’t have to have a hop card you can get a ticket from one of those places he said pointing to the ticket place. So we went there and asked for a ticket. Mum said hi very kindly but the man did not reply her, how rude I thought, he should have some manners. So we got the ticket and showed the ticket to the man then we hopped on the train good use of hop. I wonder what you do with a card, you hopping around with it?. We went all round New Zealand like New market, Manurewa and more. I thought of all those names of the places, I wonder what they mean. We got of at Pukekohe and went to have some food and do a bit of shopping at malls and shops. But right now if I didn't eat food I would just fall on my face on the hard, hard concrete. So we went to McDonald, what a name I thought I thought there would be weird food but when we actually went there it was really yummy food. I got a kids meal and you also get a toy with it so cool right?. When we finished we went to do a bit of shopping. Me and mum went to places and Amiler, Emily and dad went to another place for toys I bet you can guess why because I can. Me and mum went to a Christmas tree shop, there were so many nice things there were also cute soft toys.               

Thursday 24 September 2015

Waikowhai Thank You Comic.

On Tuesday the 22 of September we went to Waikowhai intermediate to watch a show about anthem. When we came back to school we wanted to make them a thank you card and tell them the things we liked about there show.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Buddy Description

Chapter 6

Chapter 6-Arriving To Mount Roskill
As I stepped out of the plane after that long flight,I looked everywhere because I was so happy to finally come to New Zealand. Even my family was. Mum and dad were looking around and telling everybody to look at the tower (sky tower), the fossils which are grandpa and grandma were also looking at the tower. And finally my two twin sisters Amelia and Emily they were jumping up and down and was pulling my shirt and saying “LOOK LOOK LOOK” at the same time. We went in our taxi.
We had to arrange two taxi’s because not everyone could fit in one taxi.
The taxi driver said
“first time in New Zealand”?.
Mum said
“OH yes, it is amazing country and may ask you a question please”?
“of course you can ma’am” said the taxi driver”.
“What my the big tower be”?
“OOH that is the amazing sky tower, it’s New Zealand's native tower”. “To bad grandma Sue and grandpa Bob couldn't come on the same taxi, they should really listen to these interesting facts”. said mum.
I was looking out the window when I saw a school the kids were playing outside must have been lunch  time for them. I wonder which school I'm going to so I ask mum.
“Mum which school am I going to”?
“Oh you’re going to May Road School dear”.
“I've heard it’s a wonderful school honey, I bet you’ll love it” said mum. “Hopefully” I said. The driver said
“OK we're here, mount roskill”
“hope you enjoy your trip” said the driver
“ thanks here’s some tips for driving us here” said mum. “ Thank you ma’am”.
“WOW” I said looking at our house it didn't look like a house at all it looked more like a mansion, it was nearly as big as our house in Grace land. Amazed I stepped into our new home actually new mansion. I was the first person to get inside when the fossils arrived and said “sorry it took us a long time” “it’s OK granny” I said.
As I inspected my house I saw it had everything we needed.
The wallpaper was all blue and it had black designs on it.
I went into one of the rooms and it was freezing, that’s because it was a ice skating room. I went in my room and it had 3D TV that was just incredibly amazing.  I went in the living room and I saw another 3D TV.
Mum said that there was something waiting for me on the couch.
So I ran as fast as I can and and and I speechless about this. Mum had bought me a husky and a dog. They were so cute I couldn't take my eyes of them. My 2 sister's Amilar and Emily started to pet them.             
I asked mum where my bedroom was. And she said “up the stairs, turn right then left and go up the stairs again and go right again”.
“OK I guess”?.  I tried to fellow how mum said but I couldn't remember all the lefts and rights.  
When I finally found my room I said “WOW”. My room was amazing it had purple with pink polka dot wallpaper.
It was already neat and tidy it had a bed and everything I needed.
My bed was a big and bouncy bed with a Sofia the first sheet on and A big and fluffy pillow. It also had a big unicorn teddy bear on the bed which I was actually hoping for because I told mum I really wanted one of those.
Next to my bed was a little table and it had a lump and a night light.
My draw was all nicely set up it was all white with pink heart handles.
There was a little package there waiting for me when I opened it there was a postcard and a little box. I decided I would read the postcard first, it said To Sophia From Jasmine and Alice Have a great time in New Zealand I read out aloud. Then I opened the small box it was a necklace and it was broken into three little pieces, I bet the other two Jasmine and Alice would have I thought. Suddenly mum called and said Sophia get changed we’re going to meet the neighbours. So i got changed when I finished I tried to work my why out and find mum so I went left and right. When I finally found mum in the kitchen talking to dad, when she saw me she said finally. Then me, mum, Amilar and Emily went to our neighbours. When we went inside there house they greeted us with warm cookies. There was a girl called  and she come with her aunty and grandma. At least I would have someone to keep me company.
While the adults were having a conversion Amilar and Emily were playing snakes and ladders. Me and Jazz were getting to know each other well. So the first question I asked was “ are you new here” and she said “yes”. Then I asked her “which school will you be going to”? “I am going to May Road School” said Jazz  and I said “me too”.
“Would you like to be my friend”? asked Jazz politely. “OOH yes please, I would love to be you’re friend” I said desperately.
Mum said “it’s time to go Sophia” “OK” I said.
When we went back home I was surprised to see the time, it was 8.00.
So I quickly had dinner really fast.
And went up to my room, unfortunately that took me for ever so now I was really tired and I went to bed without changing my clothes.                         



Chapter 5

Chapter 5-Coming To New Zealand
WOW it feels so amazing to be on a plane with my whole family going to New Zealand. I wonder how it will be like. Hopefully on my first day of school I’ll make some new friends like Jasmine and Alice, I miss them already.  I'm looking out my window and oh what an astonishing site.

I’ am so happy that my whole family is coming. When I looked out the window this time I saw the ocean it was amazing. After like 5 million years later we landed, it was a long flight for me and a good one ,sort of.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-My School
My school’s name is Grace Field School.
I love my school especially my friends Jasmine and Alice, they are my best friends.
My favourite subject in school is reading and my least favourite subject in school is maths.
These are the subjects we mainly do in school, writing, reading, maths, art and P.E.

My teacher Miss Mathews is really nice to me and I had her teaching me for 2 years.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3-Hobby
I hate sports but the only sport I like is table tennis it’s fun to play and I don’t really mind if I lose. I have a trainer who is called Bob, he trains me and I love going to matches and win lots of big trophies. I have a room full of trophies.
My hobby is to read books all day long.
I do everything reading books, when I'm eating breakfast, cleaning my bed and other stuff.
My favourite author is Geronimo Stilton. He writes incredible books.  
One of my favourite book he wrote is The Mystery In Venice, it’s really funny.
Reading books is so much fun.
I hate exercising, it’s boring.  
I only like to jog.
My mum said to exercise or I’ll be fat and it’s  not good for my health.  
My job to do around the house are throwing the rubbish and doing the dishes.
Doing the rubbish is really stinky and doing the dishes is fine I gusse.
I have 2 friends and they are the most amazing friends ever!.
One of there names are Jasmine and the other one is Alice.
Jasmine is very shy around other people but she’s not shy around me and Alice. She is so funny and she can make up amazing games.
Alice is not shy one bit.
Whenever she see’s me, she quickly runs to me and say’s a big “HI”.
Alice has a big personality.
And I love both my friends, they are amazing.  

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 -My Family
In my family there are 2 twin sisters who are called Amilar and Emily and they are both 5 years old.
The fossils are grandpa and grandma who live with me and my grandma is called grandma Sue and my granddad is called grandpa Bob, I call them the fossils because they are old really wrinkly.
And last but not least I have 2 parents, my mum is called Samantha and my dad’s called Mike.
I love my family no one is spoiled and everyone is treated the same.
My family gets along great with each and my parents never fight.
I am the oldest child in our family and I am really responsible.
My sisters are really cute and they have cute puppy dog eyes and they love to play, a lot.

My grandparents are very lovely they always read bedtime stories especially for the twins.  

Chapter 1

Chapter 1- My Country
My country is a country of crystal clear beaches. It follows the seasons like, if it is winter it will snow and if it is summer it will be really hot.
My country has a big city and is very busy at places and some places of the city is very quiet and peaceful. It has lakes where you can have walks with your  family. There’s nice waterfalls to have a swim in.   
In my country there is no violence. There is a tower like the Eiffel tower in France. My country is similar to France.    
It has lots of amazing foods.
There are lots of bushes and forests to go and have a walk in.
I absolutely love my country because there are kind people all around.

Monday 7 September 2015

Recycling Facts

Click Drawing to read. 

Check out what I did about recycling. I did this because some people don't now what to recycle and also they put wrong things in the recycling bin. I learnt from the Visy trip that 2.5 million tones of rubbish get buried underground and only 3/4 can be saved. Do you recycle properly? If you don't than start recycling now!.    

Wednesday 26 August 2015

What I Learnt Today For Maths

Today I learnt to change fractions into decimals in maths. In decimals we learnt to use the decimates and we learnt what goes in the wholes section, tenths section, hundredths section and also thousandths section. For example 0.64 goes in these columns, the 0 goes in the wholes column, the 6 goes in the tenths column and the 4 goes in the hundredths column. In fractions we learnt to change it into decimals, like 4/10 is the same as 0.4. Using the decimates in maths is very helpful for me to do fractions.

Tuesday 18 August 2015


This learning is about animals and we used kizoa to make it.
My slideshow is about animals.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack And The Beanstalk
Hi I'm the big giant and I have an big and very pretty lady, my wife.  Any ways, so you think that that’s how the story of Jack and the beanstalk goes, well it doesn't!.
I will tell you how the real story goes, so get comfy and listen up.
Once upon a time there lived a boy his name was JACK sorry I just get cranky when I say his name.
Any ways, let me start this all over again.
Once upon a time there lived a boy called huh mm jack.
He lived in a cottage with his mum, they weren't rich at all, I'm telling ya, they weren't rich at all.
One day Jack and his mother didn't have anything to eat, so Jack’s mother said “Jack go sell Milky White”, so you may be wondering who Milky White is, it was their cow.
So before I tell you the rest of the story I just want to say that they are selling their cow!, I mean it’s just crazy they could keep the cow and maybe Jack’s mother could go get a job, so now that I let my thoughts about how crazy they are, now I can tell you the rest of the story.
So Jack did what his mother said, Jack went to the town to sell the cow.
While Jack was on his way he saw a guy and said “where are you going”?.
And the man replied “I'm going to the town.”
“Me too” said Jack

“And what may you be selling young lad”.
“I'm selling a cow” said Jack.
“Maybe you should give me that cow and in return I will give you 5 magical beans” said the man”.
“OK” said Jack.
And they swapped.
Jack came running home and said “MUM, MUM guess what I got”.
And his mother guessed, “is it gold”.
“Nope”said Jack, It’s something even better”.
“ There’s nothing better than gold, I give up” said Jack’s mother.
So jack’s mother said “go to bed without having supper”! she was really angry, really really angry.
So Jack just threw the beans out the window.
OK really I feel sorry for this kid, but not for long.
When it was early in the morning, Jack got up and looked out the window and guess what he saw, never mind don’t guess,  I wanna tell you what he saw, he saw the way to get in to my castle, let me guess, you don’t know what that means, well it means the beanstalk!.
So he went outside and climbed the beanstalk, remember how I said I feel sorry for that kid WELL I DON'T ANY MORE.
So he climbed up MY BEANSTALK and he saw my castle, he was walking  toward it and he entered it and asked my pretty lady for some food and I wasn't there.
So my wife gave him some food and I forgive her for
So he ate and I came and he hid in the oven and when I entered my house I said Fi fie Foe, I smell an blood of an Englishman.
My wife said “Oh it’s just the delicious soup I made for you”.
And I forgive her for lying, what, what could I do.
So I ate and I fell asleep and you know what that creep did he stole my gold!.
He went and he showed his mum the gold he stole which was mine.
And his mother was happy, she didn't care if he stole it, and he came again he stole my chicken and then he came again and this time he stole my harp and my amazing harp called me saying “master master”.
And I ran after Jack and you know what he did, he called his mum and said “MUM MUM BRING THE AXE” and he cut it and and I died of course and Jack and his mother were living happily ever after, with all my stuff.
You must be wondering where I'm telling you the story from, well you should have guessed I was telling you my perspective from heaven I could have be in hell but I'm not because I obviously didn't do anything bad.  

So Thank you for listening.
From the big giant. 

We have been doing fairy tales and doing other peoples point of views.                            

Facts-World Mascots

There was a dog and he died by an accident and the sailors replaced him and his name was the same as the other one which was Pylorus Jack ,and the second dog  survived when the ship sunk.You can still see his 2 silver collars at the Auckland museum and one at the Navy Museum in Davenport.  

There was also a baby fox as a mascot.

There was a dog called Freda and she has her own grave in England.

There was a dog and he lead all the NZ army to a steep hill.

Did you know that the there was a dog and he was in a parade in France

For reading we have been doing world war mascots and we had to look for facts to write up from world war mascots books.



Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time there lived a king and queen and they had a beautiful baby daughter and the king was so happy he said “we she’ll have an feast. “
The king invited relatives, friends and he invited all 12 fairies, though he had 13 fairies in his kingdom.
The king hadn't invited the 13th fairy because she was cruel and spiteful.
After everyone had finished having the feast, all the fairies made  their wishes.
When the 11th fairy finished with her wish,suddenly the 13th fairy appeared and  she said “When the princess is 15 years old she will prick her finger on a spindle  and she will die.
But the 12th fairy said “I still haven’t made my wish”.
So she said “ I can’t break  the curse but when she is 15 years old she will sleep for 100 years”.
Everyone was scared, so one day the king had all the spinning wheels vanished.
Time went by and soon it was the princess 15th birthday.
She was walking around the castle but no one was there, Then  suddenly she saw a room in the castle.
When she went inside the room she saw an old women,but she hadn't noticed that the old lady was just the 13th fairy in disguise.
The old women said “Would you like to spin the spindle?”.

Sleeping beauty said “OK” and she spun the spindle.
Then suddenly sleeping beauty pricked her finger and she fell asleep on the ground.
The wicked women laughed and laughed.
All the kingdom fell asleep even the animals.
All the princes found out about the princess so they tried to get in the kingdom,but they couldn't because the vines had surrounded the castle. When they tried to cut them they would grow back.
One day a handsome prince came and he had got in the castle, but how?
The prince had found sleeping beauty and when the prince kissed her she was awoken and the whole kingdom was awoken as well.
The prince and sleeping beauty decided   they would get married and they did.
And they lived happily ever after.

The End

We have been doing fairy tales and Mrs Mellick read as Sleeping Beauty, and we had to retell the story.
So hope you enjoy.


Wednesday 1 July 2015

                                             After watching the storm water drain show I made an slid show about refilling your water bottles instead of buying new ones.    

My Art Day

Last week Wednesday was art week and room 15 did fairy tale pictures, it was about the fairy tale we like and we had to do something important from that fairy tale.
We also had weaving to do.
We used the weaving to make a frame for our stars  that we made with paint and by pencil and paper.