
Thursday 2 July 2015

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time there lived a king and queen and they had a beautiful baby daughter and the king was so happy he said “we she’ll have an feast. “
The king invited relatives, friends and he invited all 12 fairies, though he had 13 fairies in his kingdom.
The king hadn't invited the 13th fairy because she was cruel and spiteful.
After everyone had finished having the feast, all the fairies made  their wishes.
When the 11th fairy finished with her wish,suddenly the 13th fairy appeared and  she said “When the princess is 15 years old she will prick her finger on a spindle  and she will die.
But the 12th fairy said “I still haven’t made my wish”.
So she said “ I can’t break  the curse but when she is 15 years old she will sleep for 100 years”.
Everyone was scared, so one day the king had all the spinning wheels vanished.
Time went by and soon it was the princess 15th birthday.
She was walking around the castle but no one was there, Then  suddenly she saw a room in the castle.
When she went inside the room she saw an old women,but she hadn't noticed that the old lady was just the 13th fairy in disguise.
The old women said “Would you like to spin the spindle?”.

Sleeping beauty said “OK” and she spun the spindle.
Then suddenly sleeping beauty pricked her finger and she fell asleep on the ground.
The wicked women laughed and laughed.
All the kingdom fell asleep even the animals.
All the princes found out about the princess so they tried to get in the kingdom,but they couldn't because the vines had surrounded the castle. When they tried to cut them they would grow back.
One day a handsome prince came and he had got in the castle, but how?
The prince had found sleeping beauty and when the prince kissed her she was awoken and the whole kingdom was awoken as well.
The prince and sleeping beauty decided   they would get married and they did.
And they lived happily ever after.

The End

We have been doing fairy tales and Mrs Mellick read as Sleeping Beauty, and we had to retell the story.
So hope you enjoy.


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