
Thursday 8 December 2016

Hour of Code

On Wednesday we did hour of code. Coding is the language for computers. We had buddies with room 10 and we had to teach them how to code. Me and my Buddy did the  moana coding. We watched a video where we saw people who made cool apps saying that it's important to learn how to code, because when we grown up there will be computers doing our jobs like shopping you can use the self checkout and more. We would rather program computers rather then be replaced by them. At the end we all got certificates for coding for an hour. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Healthy Living Day

On Friday we did healthy living day. We made pasta and fruit salad with our buddy class room 10. We had so much fun cooking it together and it was really yummy. 
We made passports for the whole school so when we go to a station the people who run the stations can stamp our passports and we had to write something we learnt. My favourite station was the skipping one because I really like skipping. I also won a competition in the skipping one for having the most skips in 30 seconds. I had 56 skips. We all had so much fun.😃🙂 

Thursday 10 November 2016

Ports of Auckland trip

On Tuesday we went to the ports of Auckland.We had two trips first the maritime museum and then we had a boat trip.   We first had to listen to the rules and we had something to eat for morning tea. We put our bags away and went to our groups.

We started with the maritime museum. Rooms 15 and 14 had to first looked at the things that were on the bottom floor. We saw lot of things, like wakas and boats. We weren’t allowed to touch most things because they were unique and one of a kind and some of them were really old. We saw a little movie what people did when they woke up in the olden days. We saw what the bedrooms looked like in a boat. The were very narrow and small in width.

After we saw everything in the first floor we swapped with rooms 12 and 13 and went to the top floor. There was a game where there had to be lots of people to control the boat and complete the mission. There was a captain and a person who looked at the compass to see where we were headed and lost of other rolls. We saw the trophy that New Zealand won from England on a boat race. We learnt a lot about boats and famous people who  rode boats.

It was finally time to go to the boat trip. The instructor Emma explained that we were going on a ferry. I was so excited. We climbed on, we had options to go on the top of the boat or the bottom, so me, Masiha and Honey went to the top. We were having so much fun. The boat kept on going up and down and we had to hold on to the railing to keep our balance. Me, Masiha and Honey kept going on all the floors to see it from different angles. It was very windy so we had to hold on to our hats. Everyone kept on waving to people who passed by and some people waved but no all of them.  

New World

On Tuesday we went to new world to learn how to read labels, so we can buy better things when we go shopping.We had papers to fill in the information that was on the back of the box of the food.

My group first went to the Bread section.We had to pick something good and something that’s not so healthy. We filled out the paper and moved on to the next one. We had lots of parts to go in the supermarket like the breakfast cereals, muesli bar, snack foods, milk and dairy products and we also had to do the fruits and vegetables.

For the fruits and vegetables we had to find fruits and vegetables that were different colours like blue, red, green,orange and yellow.


High Jump

For high jump you need to do a scissor kick to get over the pole. A scissor kick is when you put your inner leg first to jump then the other leg.You can use your right leg or your left leg first. You have to point your toes up so your leg goes up and over the pole. You need your knees to be bend so you can have more of an explosive jump.When you are doing a high jump you need to be in a angel. You need to approach the pole at a 45 degree angle.  

Friday 21 October 2016


On Tuesday we did athletics. We learned lots of skills. One of the most important ones were knowing when to start. For example, not everyone says "ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO" some people say "ON YOUR MARK, GET SET" and instead of saying "GO" they clap with their hands or use two wood and bang it together. So the main point of that was to know when you had to start running. 

The other skill was to get a good start. We had to start as soon as the coach clapped. If we were too slow we would have to catch up with the others, and if we started running a bit too early you will get disqualified. 
But if we started running as soon as the coach clapped we would get a good start. 

The coach said we had to get a good start because, so we can run the race well, and if we started at the right time we would get a head start in the race and maybe win the race. 

Thursday 13 October 2016

Mmmm that's tasty reflection

For reading on Wednesday we did the jelly bean challenge. But before we did the challenge we had to read the text called Mmmm that's tasty.It was telling us about what kind of  senses you use to taste, and they are your taste, your smell, eyes and ears and touch. In the book it said that if you don't breathe you won't be able to taste properly.

So we did the jelly bean challenge to find out if that was true. We had to find a buddy, so me and my friend Masiha went together. First Masiha held three jelly beans, i had to take a good look at it first. Then I closed my eyes and pinched my nose, then Masiha gave me a jelly bean. I didn't know what colour it was. I had to try and guess which colour it was, but I couldn't taste a thing. Then we swapped.

 At the end of the experiment we learned that we use just more then one sense to taste. Like, we use our taste buds to taste the texture of the food and we use our eye sight to check the colour and appearance of the food.

Did you know that kids are picky eaters because our taste buds are more sensitive, and also because when our old taste buds go away our new taste buds come back more quickly then adults. Old peoples taste buds take a long time to come back, so that's why they can't taste that well. Did you know that in one papillae there is 10,000 taste buds. There are five main types of receptors, which are sweet, sour, bitter, salty and savoury.

When you put food in your mouth some of the food dissolves in saliva and is washed down so the taste buds can taste. The watery saliva is important, because without it dry food will be more tasteless then usual. Other chemicals in the food are carried through the air up to the back of your nose, where you recognise the smell.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Sun Smart

This is a poster about being sun smart. It tells you what you should wear and why you should wear it. Being sun smart is really important. Hope you guys enjoy.

Friday 16 September 2016

Peace child Reflection

This is a peace child reflection. It's a reflection about the peace child. Hope you enjoy :)

The Peace Child presentation

This is a peace child presentation. Hope you enjoy.

Monday 12 September 2016


I can't wait for Tuesday and Wednesday. Why? Because it is the production this week. I am really excited. It is going to be a day full of , singing and dancing. On Tuesday it is the matinee. What is that you may ask? It is when we do a performance in the day time and when we make any mistakes, we can fix it before the real performance, which is on Wednesday.  The production is called the Peace Child. It's when two tribes, who live on either side of the river, are rivals. Then there comes a reporter, Melissa Moore. She is planning on building a bridge, so she can be famous. The tribes are getting ready for war. When the bridge is built the Wanakeke chief gives is first born son to the Sotongi chief. I am one of the characters in the production, I am the mum of the Sotongi camp. We have to wear black clothes and we are wearing head pieces that have two feathers on the side and three fluffy pomp pomp.  Each tribe has their own colour. The Sotongi  is green and the Wankeke is orange.  We are also wearing these belts, and it is in our tribe colours. We have these streaks on our checks. It is really cool. I am really looking forward to the production. 


This is quote is my favourite manners quote.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Here is a link to thinglink that me and my friend, Masiha made. Thinglink

Friday 2 September 2016

Cross Country

I was so excited, I couldn't wait till it was the year 6's turn. It was finally our turn. We lined up. I went through my plan again, sprint as soon as they say go and when nobody is behind me I would stop and have a rest, and then when someone is behind me I start running again. When the horn went off I followed my  plan. My goal was to beat Vika one of the fastest girls in my year. I was a bit behind, I thought I would lose this race. But then I thought never give up and I was running with the girls in the front. I tried to go in front of the girls which were Dinah and Vika. I beat them and I was coming third. My mouth felt dry and my heart was beating faster and faster every second. I sprinted again and then it was between me, Fifita who was coming 2nd and Ambalika who was coming 1st. 
I was doing really well, I was following my plan. I was nearly at the finishing line. My mouth was really dry. I really wished I drank water. Vika was catching up I sped up she went in front of me I sprinted even faster and I was once again in front of her. I was so happy. I ran till I was about to finish. I was coming third I was going to complete my goal, but then Vika went in front of me. I was so tied I had to give up, I was dizzy I needed a drink. I had to give up. I didn't complete my goal I came 4th. But I was very happy that I was close to winning. So I am still proud of my self. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Jack And The Beanstalk

Jack And The Beanstalk
Hi I'm the big giant and I have an big and very pretty lady, my wife.  Anyway, so you think that that’s how the story of Jack and the beanstalk goes, well it doesn't!.
I will tell you how the real story goes, so get comfy and listen up.
Once upon a time there lived a boy his name was JACK sorry I just get cranky when I say his name.
Anyway, let me start this all over again.
Once upon a time there lived a boy called huh mm jack.
He lived in a cottage with his mom, they weren't rich at all, I'm telling ya, they weren't rich at all.
One day Jack and his mother didn't have anything to eat, so Jack’s mother said “Jack go sell Milky White”, so you may be wondering who Milky White is, it was their cow.
So before I tell you the rest of the story I just want to say that they are selling their cow!, I mean it’s just crazy they could keep the cow and maybe Jack’s mother could go get a job, so now that I let my thoughts about how crazy they are, now I can tell you the rest of the story.
So Jack did what his mother said, Jack went to the town to sell the cow.
While Jack was on his way he saw a guy and said “where are you going”?.
And the man replied “I'm going to the town.”
“Me too” said Jack
“And what may you be selling young lad”.
“I'm selling a cow” said Jack.
“Maybe you should give me that cow and in return I will give you 5 magical beans” said the man”.
“OK” said Jack.
And they swapped.
Jack came running home and said “MOM, MOM guess what I got”.
And his mother guessed, “is it gold”.
“Nope”said Jack, It’s something even better”.
“ There’s nothing better than gold, I give up” said Jack’s mother.
So jack’s mother said “go to bed without having supper”! she was really angry, really really angry.
So Jack just threw the beans out the window.
Ok really I feel sorry for this kid, but not for long.
When it was early in the morning, Jack got up and looked out the window and guess what he saw, never mind don’t guess,  I wanna tell you what he saw, he saw the way to get in to my castle, let me guess, you don’t know what that means, well it means the beanstalk!.
So he went outside and climbed the beanstalk, remember how I said I feel sorry for that kid WELL I DON'T ANY MORE.
So he climbed up MY BEANSTALK and he saw my castle, he was walking  toward it and he entered it and asked my pretty lady for some food and I wasn't there.
So my wife gave him some food and I forgive her for that.
So he ate and I came and he hid in the oven and when I entered my house I said fi fie fo, I smell blood of an Englishman.
My wife said “Oh it’s just the delicious soup I made for you”.
And I forgive her for lying, what, what could I do.
So I ate and I fell asleep and you know what that creep did he stole my gold!.
He went and he showed his mum the gold he stole which was mine.
And his mother was happy, she didn't care if he stole it, and he came again he stole my chicken and then he came again and this time he stole my harp and my amazing harp called me saying “master master”.
And I ran after Jack and you know what he did, he called his mum and said “MOM MOM BRING THE AXE” and he cut it and and I died of course and Jack and his mother were living happily ever after, with all my stuff.
You must be wondering where I'm telling you the story from, well you should have guessed I was telling you my perspective from heaven I could have be in hell but I'm not because I obviously didn't do anything bad.  

So Thank you for listening.
From the big giant.      

THE END                       

Basketball Session 2

This week Tuesday was the second day for basketball. The tricks we learned was to dribble and to control the ball. We had to warm up first, obviously. Then we had to got a buddy, me and Masiha were buddies. 
Masiha was first with the ball and she had to dribble the ball with one hand and she had to look up straight ahead. I was holding my fingers and showing Masiha some numbers. She had to say the number and dribbling the ball the same time. Next it was my turn. I was really excited to do it. The ball went wondering off at times, which was really annoying. Do you have any basketball skills? 

I can't wait to go to the next session so check out my blog next week to find out more. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Basketball Session 1

Here is some tips on basketball. 

On every Tuesday we do basketball. Before we start doing something we have to warm up and when we are warming up we have to jog around. We also practise some of the skills. In basketball I really enjoy doing the games, it's really fun. My next step is to try really hard and try to achieve the skill we are learning. Here are some tips  you might need for basketball. When you are running you need high knees, but kicking, rolling the ball around your head and when you are doing that you need to use your finger tips and rolling it around my tummy. I learnt new skills on how to play basketball.   Do you enjoy basketball? What skills do you `have?

Thursday 28 July 2016

Going to the movies


 I was so excited, it was the second day of my birthday and my dad was letting us go to the movies. Since it was my birthday, well second day of my birthday, I got to chose the movie ,not. So here’s how it went.

 As we entered the cinema, just instantly the smell of popcorn filled my nostrils. The buttery scent was everywhere. They had installed new things where you could pay and everything for your movie, so pretty much they copied McDonald's. We went to the counter since the machine needed a member card.

 I wanted to watch finding Dory but my sister wanted to watch Ice Age 5. My mum and sister made a good point on not watching finding Dory because they said finding Dory would be on the TV soon.So we watched Ice Age, bummer. My mum bought popcorn and drinks. I was so excited but I didn't think the movie would be good, or is it?. Keep reading and you will find out soon.

 Oh no how could I forget the 15 minutes of commercials. Finally it finished after a million hours, okay probably not a million hours but it seemed like that. The lights were turned off . I was so excited to see what happened in the movie. I was so excited that I nearly forgot that I didn't want to watch the movie. I guess I was wrong, the movie was pretty interesting. Manny and his friends and family made this amazing plan to stop the asteroids.

At the end they had saved the day. It was better than I thought and it was really good movie. I loved it. THE END.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Save The Pandas

Save the Pandas

Hi guys here is a link for my panda movie. It may take a while to load. Hope you enjoy.

Save the Pandas

Te wiki O Te Reo Maori week

Here is my drawing of Maori encouragements. Like Kia kaha e hoa ma means Lets go team.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Persuasive Panda Writing

Hi I'm Sylvia and I have a project of saving pandas. Why? You ask because they are becoming extinct. I know that people from China are trying to help by keeping panda bears and increasing the number of pandas we have in the world. Now it’s time to do our part, by stop cutting bamboos. I know it helps us with making houses and stuff, but does this help the giant pandas. I don’t think so. Bamboo is their food, their shelter. What do they do to us that we have to harm them. They didn't do anything. So maybe if you're thinking about cutting bamboo maybe you should really think about what you are doing. There's already a type of panda that is extinct, which is the brown panda bears. Brown panda bears are the same as giant pandas but they have brown spots instead of black. If you really care about animals then step up and save the pandas from becoming extinct. Hopefully I changed your mind about not cutting bamboo and becoming a good person. I'm Sylvia and I want to save the pandas.
                                  Giant Panda Bear

 Brown panda bear 

Monday 27 June 2016

Arabic Pattern

This is my Arabic pattern with my name in English and in Arabic. We did this for our Arabic language week.

Tuesday 21 June 2016


On Friday the 18 we had a matariki celebration. We made kites and at the end of the assembly the whole school could fly their kites. It wasn't much fun because there wasn't any wind coming, so it just dragged behind us.   

First we cut out the shape of a kite. 
Then we put the sticks across each other and tape it.Then we put a tail at the end of the kite.After that we could decorate it. 

Please leave a comment, and hope you enjoy.

Monday 13 June 2016

How To Cut Harakeke Leaves

If you are cutting Harakeke leaves you have to cut certain leaves. You can't cut the top leave because it is the baby and the other two on each sides of it because that's the parents. Then you can cut the leaves in a pattern. 

Here's a picture.

New Market

On Thursday New Market came to our class to cut some Harakeke and take it to their school, and use it for matariki. I met new friends like Lucy she was really cute. After discussing what we were going to do. We went to the Harakeke garden. While the teachers were cutting the leaves we had to go and take the leaves and put them on a mat. Some of us cut the leaves. On morning tea we played with the New Market people. After the bell rang the room 15 sang a song to the New Market people.

EOTC Week Photo Journal

E.O.T.C Week Lost in the Bushes

People were singing in the bus . I was sitting there quite annoyed talking to my friend Masiha. We were heading towards Piha for a bush walk with the kauri team because it was E.O.T.C week. I was feeling happy and excited at the same time, but I also felt a bit worried because I thought we might get lost. I left that thought behind and decided to think positive and not negative. We walked and walked until we found the waterfall. Amazing I thought it was a mind blowing view and I couldn't take my eyes of it. I kneeled down to feel the water. Cold, that’s it cold. It was as cold as Antarctica. I dipped my feet and the coldness tickled my feet so I took it out of the water. There were lots and lots of rocks forming a ground, and in between those rocks were some mucky icky green stuff. We started to move on and room fifteen had to go last… bummer. When we were walking some people had split up because some were walking too slow and the others were walking faster. They had disappeared out of our sight and I got bit worried. Then I thought “why bother worrying we had Miss Haydon.” We had got lost. It was only 12 people left and they were, me, Masiha, Miss Haydon, Alisi, Shireen, Janet, Masiha's mum and dad, Nabila’s mum,Andrea, Kevin and a parent. We walked a bit faster this time to catch up with the others but they had long gone. But good thing that one of the parent knew the way to get out of the bush. Suddenly Masiha’s mum slowed down so Masiha’s dad went to walk with them, but they were to slow and we lost them. We had realized that when we came to a sign that said “HOME 40 MINUTES”. Masiha was really worried but Andrea and Kevin stayed behind to wait for them, and we kept going and followed the track. I got really scared we might get lost and I kept slipping and hurting myself. I slowed down a bit and Miss Haydon and the two boys and shireen were way ahead of us. I thought I lost Miss Haydon but Janet came by me and said we’ll walk together. We had found Miss Haydon and the others, and this time I decided to walk bit faster. I felt so proud at the end we had found our way back and Miss Haydon was right that “When you look back at this you’re going to smile”. And I did smile. I couldn't wait to tell my mum about what had happened “Phew” I thought, we hadn't missed the bus or we might have had to wait for another 20 minutes for it to come back. And that was the end of our long and frightening journey of being Lost on The Bush Walk!


My Best Writing

Here is my best piece of writing . It is about a squirrel being chased by a eagle.

AAHHH sun’s shining birds singing, it would be a great day hunting for some delicious nuts. The leaves were all falling golden red and crispy, lovely. Wonder if there are little nuts hiding in the big piles of leaves. Found one. Suddenly I saw two big black beady eyes, or was it eyes, I just don’t know. Yep it definitely was two big black beady eyes. BOOM It was flying know. I couldn't believe my eyes it was, it was a big scary owl. My heart started thudding against my chest. I ran as fast as my cute chubby feet could carry me. I Found safety, in a very uncomfortable nest,at least I was safe. I went in and waited and waited, until it seemed like a million hours , I was just exaggerating. All of a sudden The tree began to shake. Oh no It was a earthquake. No I'm too young to die, I sobbed.
There was some good news and bad news. So the good news was It wasn't an earthquake, Then I guess I will still live, hooray. But the bad news was It was the eagle shaking the nest, and I would get eaten, bummer. BOOM I fell. Is that heaven. Nope it was just the sky, it was so bright, anyway’s at least I lived. I should have a party after this, if I live. Then the chase was on again. I spotted a hole. I ran inside. It was a old hollow tree. HA HA HA that big fat eagle couldn't fit in the hole. I guess I will be having a party after all. Lucky me.

Samoan Language Week

On Friday the 3rd we had another special week.It was Samoan Language week. On Monday the beginning of Samoan language week the whole school got try a cup of cocoa. It was amazing.
There were other things to like, we saw how they make their jewellery. On Friday that week we had a assembly with lots of cool dances and plays. At the end we could try their chop suey.
It was so fun.

Book Week 2016

On Friday can you guess what it was? Here's some clues. We had to dress up and it had something to do with books. If you thought book week you were right. We had a whole week with fun activities. like finding the olafs pictures around the library, spot the difference and more.
And on Friday we had a big book week assembly. We could dress up and I dressed up as a witch, I was a character from the Wizard Of Oz. My best friend Honey was Minnie Mouse and Masiha was Draculuar from Monster High.

Thursday 9 June 2016


Tēnā koutou e te whānau. Ko Puketapapa tōku maunga. (mountain) Ko Manukau tōku moana. (water) Ko iwi. (tribe - if you know it) Ko Usha Lakshmi tōku koro. (grandmother) Ko Nagaiya Chinapa tōku kuia. ((grandfather) Ko Sanjay Chand raua ko Venkat Sami ōku pāpā. Ko Munitri Lakshmi tōku māmā. Ko Chand tōku ingoa whānau. Ko May Road tōku kura. Nō Fiji ahau. Ko Sylvia tōku ingoa. Nō reira Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Anzac Poems

Check out my anzac poems.

PB4L Empathy

Here is my PB4L Empathy slide show.

Genius Hour Questions

This is what my Genius Hour question that me and ny buddy Masiha have been working on

Art Reflection

Check out my Pablo Picaso art work.

Sylvia's Swimming 15/2/16