
Monday 13 June 2016

E.O.T.C Week Lost in the Bushes

People were singing in the bus . I was sitting there quite annoyed talking to my friend Masiha. We were heading towards Piha for a bush walk with the kauri team because it was E.O.T.C week. I was feeling happy and excited at the same time, but I also felt a bit worried because I thought we might get lost. I left that thought behind and decided to think positive and not negative. We walked and walked until we found the waterfall. Amazing I thought it was a mind blowing view and I couldn't take my eyes of it. I kneeled down to feel the water. Cold, that’s it cold. It was as cold as Antarctica. I dipped my feet and the coldness tickled my feet so I took it out of the water. There were lots and lots of rocks forming a ground, and in between those rocks were some mucky icky green stuff. We started to move on and room fifteen had to go last… bummer. When we were walking some people had split up because some were walking too slow and the others were walking faster. They had disappeared out of our sight and I got bit worried. Then I thought “why bother worrying we had Miss Haydon.” We had got lost. It was only 12 people left and they were, me, Masiha, Miss Haydon, Alisi, Shireen, Janet, Masiha's mum and dad, Nabila’s mum,Andrea, Kevin and a parent. We walked a bit faster this time to catch up with the others but they had long gone. But good thing that one of the parent knew the way to get out of the bush. Suddenly Masiha’s mum slowed down so Masiha’s dad went to walk with them, but they were to slow and we lost them. We had realized that when we came to a sign that said “HOME 40 MINUTES”. Masiha was really worried but Andrea and Kevin stayed behind to wait for them, and we kept going and followed the track. I got really scared we might get lost and I kept slipping and hurting myself. I slowed down a bit and Miss Haydon and the two boys and shireen were way ahead of us. I thought I lost Miss Haydon but Janet came by me and said we’ll walk together. We had found Miss Haydon and the others, and this time I decided to walk bit faster. I felt so proud at the end we had found our way back and Miss Haydon was right that “When you look back at this you’re going to smile”. And I did smile. I couldn't wait to tell my mum about what had happened “Phew” I thought, we hadn't missed the bus or we might have had to wait for another 20 minutes for it to come back. And that was the end of our long and frightening journey of being Lost on The Bush Walk!

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