
Thursday 28 July 2016

Going to the movies


 I was so excited, it was the second day of my birthday and my dad was letting us go to the movies. Since it was my birthday, well second day of my birthday, I got to chose the movie ,not. So here’s how it went.

 As we entered the cinema, just instantly the smell of popcorn filled my nostrils. The buttery scent was everywhere. They had installed new things where you could pay and everything for your movie, so pretty much they copied McDonald's. We went to the counter since the machine needed a member card.

 I wanted to watch finding Dory but my sister wanted to watch Ice Age 5. My mum and sister made a good point on not watching finding Dory because they said finding Dory would be on the TV soon.So we watched Ice Age, bummer. My mum bought popcorn and drinks. I was so excited but I didn't think the movie would be good, or is it?. Keep reading and you will find out soon.

 Oh no how could I forget the 15 minutes of commercials. Finally it finished after a million hours, okay probably not a million hours but it seemed like that. The lights were turned off . I was so excited to see what happened in the movie. I was so excited that I nearly forgot that I didn't want to watch the movie. I guess I was wrong, the movie was pretty interesting. Manny and his friends and family made this amazing plan to stop the asteroids.

At the end they had saved the day. It was better than I thought and it was really good movie. I loved it. THE END.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Save The Pandas

Save the Pandas

Hi guys here is a link for my panda movie. It may take a while to load. Hope you enjoy.

Save the Pandas

Te wiki O Te Reo Maori week

Here is my drawing of Maori encouragements. Like Kia kaha e hoa ma means Lets go team.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Persuasive Panda Writing

Hi I'm Sylvia and I have a project of saving pandas. Why? You ask because they are becoming extinct. I know that people from China are trying to help by keeping panda bears and increasing the number of pandas we have in the world. Now it’s time to do our part, by stop cutting bamboos. I know it helps us with making houses and stuff, but does this help the giant pandas. I don’t think so. Bamboo is their food, their shelter. What do they do to us that we have to harm them. They didn't do anything. So maybe if you're thinking about cutting bamboo maybe you should really think about what you are doing. There's already a type of panda that is extinct, which is the brown panda bears. Brown panda bears are the same as giant pandas but they have brown spots instead of black. If you really care about animals then step up and save the pandas from becoming extinct. Hopefully I changed your mind about not cutting bamboo and becoming a good person. I'm Sylvia and I want to save the pandas.
                                  Giant Panda Bear

 Brown panda bear