
Thursday 2 July 2015

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack And The Beanstalk
Hi I'm the big giant and I have an big and very pretty lady, my wife.  Any ways, so you think that that’s how the story of Jack and the beanstalk goes, well it doesn't!.
I will tell you how the real story goes, so get comfy and listen up.
Once upon a time there lived a boy his name was JACK sorry I just get cranky when I say his name.
Any ways, let me start this all over again.
Once upon a time there lived a boy called huh mm jack.
He lived in a cottage with his mum, they weren't rich at all, I'm telling ya, they weren't rich at all.
One day Jack and his mother didn't have anything to eat, so Jack’s mother said “Jack go sell Milky White”, so you may be wondering who Milky White is, it was their cow.
So before I tell you the rest of the story I just want to say that they are selling their cow!, I mean it’s just crazy they could keep the cow and maybe Jack’s mother could go get a job, so now that I let my thoughts about how crazy they are, now I can tell you the rest of the story.
So Jack did what his mother said, Jack went to the town to sell the cow.
While Jack was on his way he saw a guy and said “where are you going”?.
And the man replied “I'm going to the town.”
“Me too” said Jack

“And what may you be selling young lad”.
“I'm selling a cow” said Jack.
“Maybe you should give me that cow and in return I will give you 5 magical beans” said the man”.
“OK” said Jack.
And they swapped.
Jack came running home and said “MUM, MUM guess what I got”.
And his mother guessed, “is it gold”.
“Nope”said Jack, It’s something even better”.
“ There’s nothing better than gold, I give up” said Jack’s mother.
So jack’s mother said “go to bed without having supper”! she was really angry, really really angry.
So Jack just threw the beans out the window.
OK really I feel sorry for this kid, but not for long.
When it was early in the morning, Jack got up and looked out the window and guess what he saw, never mind don’t guess,  I wanna tell you what he saw, he saw the way to get in to my castle, let me guess, you don’t know what that means, well it means the beanstalk!.
So he went outside and climbed the beanstalk, remember how I said I feel sorry for that kid WELL I DON'T ANY MORE.
So he climbed up MY BEANSTALK and he saw my castle, he was walking  toward it and he entered it and asked my pretty lady for some food and I wasn't there.
So my wife gave him some food and I forgive her for
So he ate and I came and he hid in the oven and when I entered my house I said Fi fie Foe, I smell an blood of an Englishman.
My wife said “Oh it’s just the delicious soup I made for you”.
And I forgive her for lying, what, what could I do.
So I ate and I fell asleep and you know what that creep did he stole my gold!.
He went and he showed his mum the gold he stole which was mine.
And his mother was happy, she didn't care if he stole it, and he came again he stole my chicken and then he came again and this time he stole my harp and my amazing harp called me saying “master master”.
And I ran after Jack and you know what he did, he called his mum and said “MUM MUM BRING THE AXE” and he cut it and and I died of course and Jack and his mother were living happily ever after, with all my stuff.
You must be wondering where I'm telling you the story from, well you should have guessed I was telling you my perspective from heaven I could have be in hell but I'm not because I obviously didn't do anything bad.  

So Thank you for listening.
From the big giant. 

We have been doing fairy tales and doing other peoples point of views.                            

Facts-World Mascots

There was a dog and he died by an accident and the sailors replaced him and his name was the same as the other one which was Pylorus Jack ,and the second dog  survived when the ship sunk.You can still see his 2 silver collars at the Auckland museum and one at the Navy Museum in Davenport.  

There was also a baby fox as a mascot.

There was a dog called Freda and she has her own grave in England.

There was a dog and he lead all the NZ army to a steep hill.

Did you know that the there was a dog and he was in a parade in France

For reading we have been doing world war mascots and we had to look for facts to write up from world war mascots books.



Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time there lived a king and queen and they had a beautiful baby daughter and the king was so happy he said “we she’ll have an feast. “
The king invited relatives, friends and he invited all 12 fairies, though he had 13 fairies in his kingdom.
The king hadn't invited the 13th fairy because she was cruel and spiteful.
After everyone had finished having the feast, all the fairies made  their wishes.
When the 11th fairy finished with her wish,suddenly the 13th fairy appeared and  she said “When the princess is 15 years old she will prick her finger on a spindle  and she will die.
But the 12th fairy said “I still haven’t made my wish”.
So she said “ I can’t break  the curse but when she is 15 years old she will sleep for 100 years”.
Everyone was scared, so one day the king had all the spinning wheels vanished.
Time went by and soon it was the princess 15th birthday.
She was walking around the castle but no one was there, Then  suddenly she saw a room in the castle.
When she went inside the room she saw an old women,but she hadn't noticed that the old lady was just the 13th fairy in disguise.
The old women said “Would you like to spin the spindle?”.

Sleeping beauty said “OK” and she spun the spindle.
Then suddenly sleeping beauty pricked her finger and she fell asleep on the ground.
The wicked women laughed and laughed.
All the kingdom fell asleep even the animals.
All the princes found out about the princess so they tried to get in the kingdom,but they couldn't because the vines had surrounded the castle. When they tried to cut them they would grow back.
One day a handsome prince came and he had got in the castle, but how?
The prince had found sleeping beauty and when the prince kissed her she was awoken and the whole kingdom was awoken as well.
The prince and sleeping beauty decided   they would get married and they did.
And they lived happily ever after.

The End

We have been doing fairy tales and Mrs Mellick read as Sleeping Beauty, and we had to retell the story.
So hope you enjoy.


Wednesday 1 July 2015

                                             After watching the storm water drain show I made an slid show about refilling your water bottles instead of buying new ones.    

My Art Day

Last week Wednesday was art week and room 15 did fairy tale pictures, it was about the fairy tale we like and we had to do something important from that fairy tale.
We also had weaving to do.
We used the weaving to make a frame for our stars  that we made with paint and by pencil and paper.    

P.B.4.L Song

Listen to the person who is talking,
Follow instructions, and be respectful,

sitting up quietly and listening to notices. Don’t push others and be a role model for others to follow.
This song is about being a role model in the hall.

We have been doing fairy tales and we have been doing problem solving.
So our teacher Mrs Mellick said "Why don't we mix together and make a fairy tale problem".
And we all agreed, hope you like my one!



Equipment/materials (what were ALL the things you used to conduct the experiment?):
water cattle,metal tray.      

Hypothesis (what was the prediction you made BEFORE you started doing anything?):
steam would come out.

Steps taken (list as much detail as you can):
  • Touched the metal tray and see if it was wet or dry.
  • Turned on the cattle.
  • Waited until the water was heated and you could see steam  coming out.
  • Put the tray on top of the cattle and waited until you could see the steam coming out.  
  • Felt the metal tray to see if it was wet or dry.    

Result (what actually happened, and was it the same as, or different from your prediction?) :
The steam was coming out and it was the same as my prediction.

Conclusion (what did you learn from the experiment?):
That steam can be gas as well.