
Friday 21 October 2016


On Tuesday we did athletics. We learned lots of skills. One of the most important ones were knowing when to start. For example, not everyone says "ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO" some people say "ON YOUR MARK, GET SET" and instead of saying "GO" they clap with their hands or use two wood and bang it together. So the main point of that was to know when you had to start running. 

The other skill was to get a good start. We had to start as soon as the coach clapped. If we were too slow we would have to catch up with the others, and if we started running a bit too early you will get disqualified. 
But if we started running as soon as the coach clapped we would get a good start. 

The coach said we had to get a good start because, so we can run the race well, and if we started at the right time we would get a head start in the race and maybe win the race. 

Thursday 13 October 2016

Mmmm that's tasty reflection

For reading on Wednesday we did the jelly bean challenge. But before we did the challenge we had to read the text called Mmmm that's tasty.It was telling us about what kind of  senses you use to taste, and they are your taste, your smell, eyes and ears and touch. In the book it said that if you don't breathe you won't be able to taste properly.

So we did the jelly bean challenge to find out if that was true. We had to find a buddy, so me and my friend Masiha went together. First Masiha held three jelly beans, i had to take a good look at it first. Then I closed my eyes and pinched my nose, then Masiha gave me a jelly bean. I didn't know what colour it was. I had to try and guess which colour it was, but I couldn't taste a thing. Then we swapped.

 At the end of the experiment we learned that we use just more then one sense to taste. Like, we use our taste buds to taste the texture of the food and we use our eye sight to check the colour and appearance of the food.

Did you know that kids are picky eaters because our taste buds are more sensitive, and also because when our old taste buds go away our new taste buds come back more quickly then adults. Old peoples taste buds take a long time to come back, so that's why they can't taste that well. Did you know that in one papillae there is 10,000 taste buds. There are five main types of receptors, which are sweet, sour, bitter, salty and savoury.

When you put food in your mouth some of the food dissolves in saliva and is washed down so the taste buds can taste. The watery saliva is important, because without it dry food will be more tasteless then usual. Other chemicals in the food are carried through the air up to the back of your nose, where you recognise the smell.